
Monthly Archives: October 2015

Clean Water Rule Definition of Waters of the United States Likely Inconsistent With Supreme Court’s Definition in Rapanos – Sixth Circuit Stays Clean Water Rule

Tue Oct 13th, On Environmental Law, by

Although the Obama Administration’s new Clean Water Rule: “Definition of Waters of the United States” (also known as the Waters of the United States Rule, or “WOTUS”), became effective in many states on August 28, 2015, the rule is now stayed across the nation by a decision by the Sixth Circuit last Friday, October 9, 2015. The Sixth Circuit stayed the rule’s implementation nation-wide based on twelve petitions challenging WOTUS […]

EPA Proposes Changes in Emissions Guidelines for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills to Address Methane Concerns Raised by Obama’s Climate Action Plan

Mon Oct 12th, On Environmental Law, by

The Obama administration recently released its Climate Action Plan’s methane reduction strategy that targets releases from landfills and oil and gas production. According to the White House, methane pollution is projected to increase to equal over 620 million tons of carbon dioxide pollution in 2030. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas with a global warming potential more than 25 times that of carbon dioxide. As part of that plan, EPA […]

Safer Consumer Products Program Releases Alternatives Analysis Guide – Comments Due October 23, 2015

Thu Oct 8th, On Environmental Law, by

The California Safer Consumer Products (“SCP”) program released the Draft Stage 1 Alternatives Analysis Guide (“AA Guide”) for comments. The AA Guide provides tools and examples of how to fulfill the first stage AA required by the SCP regulations. The AA guidance is an advisory resource. It is not a regulatory document or legal standard. Comments are due to Department of Toxic Substances Control (“DTSC”) before noon on October 23, […]

Public Comments to California Water-Fix Program Now Due By October 30, 2015

Mon Oct 5th, On Environmental Law, by

The comment period for California Water-Fix has been extended from August 31, 2015 to October 30, 2015. The two-month extension gives the public, government agencies, and independent scientists more time to consider refinements and changes made since last summer to the plan that seeks to secure California’s water supplies and improve ecosystem conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The Delta is the West Coast’s largest estuary and is the hub […]

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