
Monthly Archives: January 2017

Trump Signs Executive Order to Speed Up Environmental Review and Approval of Infrastructure Projects

Fri Jan 27th, On Environmental Law, by

On January 24, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order to expedite environmental reviews and approvals for high priority infrastructure projects.  Consistent with his campaign promises to reduce regulatory burdens for domestic manufacturers and to create more American jobs, the order purports that delays caused by agency processes and procedures have prevented the American people from the full benefits of increased infrastructure investments.  To that end, the order states “it […]

Southern California Will Seek Authority From EPA to Reduce Air Emissions By 55% By 2031

Fri Jan 27th, On Environmental Law, by

The 2016 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) is a regional blueprint by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) for achieving federal health-based air quality standards for ground-level ozone and fine particulates.  The 2016 AQMP seeks to achieve multiple goals in partnership with other entities promoting reductions in greenhouse gases and toxic risk, as well as efficiencies in energy use, transportation, and goods movement.  The AQMP focuses on transportation […]

Exacerbation of Existing Environmental Hazards Required for CEQA Reports

Wed Jan 25th, On Environmental Law, by

In East Sacramento Partnership for a Livable City v. City of Sacramento, the Third District Court of Appeal interpreted and applied the California Supreme Court’s ruling in California Building Industry Association v. Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and in doing so, rejected a claim that the environmental impact report (EIR) for the residential project at-issue failed to consider the exacerbation of existing environmental hazards. Ultimately, the ruling of the […]

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Transition Into New Leadership

Mon Jan 23rd, On Environmental Law, by

As the 45th President of the United States is sworn into his new office, there is still uncertainty surrounding many of the other offices within the new administration.  In an effort to relieve a bit of that uncertainty, the EPA’s Deputy Administrator, Stanley Meiburg released a memorandum on January 7th detailing Friday’s transition process and identifying many of the new acting senior managers.  Immediately following the inauguration, career EPA senior […]

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