
Category: Sustainability

Tips For Improving Air Quality While Sheltering In Place

Mon Apr 20th, On Sustainability, by

Now that we are all stuck at home, it is a good time to check out our indoor air quality.  What could be polluting the air in your home? Pollutants can include emissions from combustion devices and gas-fired appliances, such space heaters, ranges, ovens, stoves, furnaces, fireplaces, and water heaters; cleaning supplies; pet dander; house dust mites; and mold.  In particular, during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all constantly cleaning […]

Stanford Earth Scientists Develop Emissions Tracking Tool to Reduce Climate Change Impacts from Electricity Usage

Tue Mar 31st, On Sustainability, by

If companies could see how much electricity they’re consuming and what their emission level is every hour of the year, they could shift their operations to better match the carbon-intensity of the grid. Scientists at Stanford University, School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences, have developed a precise way to measure power plant emissions hour-by-hour, twenty-four hours a day, which will allow companies to reduce their carbon footprint in real […]

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