
Category: Environmental Law

Delta Plan and Twin Tunnels Dealt A Blow in California Superior Court

Tue Aug 23rd, On Environmental Law, by

This summer, a California superior court judge invalidated the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Plan, saying that the plan must be set aside until revised to include measurable or otherwise quantifiable targets that would insure reduced reliance on the watershed and promote restoration of the environment and water supply reliability, as required by the Delta Reform Act. While the plan is invalidated, and until the plan is revised, requirements to protect portions […]

Understanding Pesticide Regulation

Fri Aug 5th, On Environmental Law, by

The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) is tasked with assessing and managing the risks posed by pesticides in the state of California. If the pesticide poses an unacceptable risk, the DPR must first implement one of several risk management strategies before choosing to deny or cancel a pesticide registration. Read on to learn more about the DPR’s risk management implementation.

Ensuring Compliance with the RPPC Program

Fri Aug 5th, On Environmental Law, by

California’s Rigid Plastic Packaging Container (RPPC) law imposes several source reduction, reusability, and recycling compliance requirements on product manufacturers to minimize plastic waste disposal and maximize use of recycled postconsumer plastic. Under the RPPC program, manufacturers are given several compliance options with which to meet with these requirements. Read on to learn more.

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